Superman Reverse Jump
All of us at some point in our lives have dreamed of flying like superman reaching to the sky and blasting off the ground. Hero Bungy Jump Pattaya can now make that dream a reality in the form of a Reverse Bungy Jump.
How it works:
A reverse bungy jump is as it says a total reverse of a conventional bungy jump. It starts at ground zero where our expert jump masters will take you through the necessary safety checks and explain the launch procedure. Once the preliminary briefing is over you will be ready to launch! Why not hire your very own Superman outfit and have us film your heroics. Once you’re on your starting mark the clap of the directors slate board will begin take and our pro videographer will begin to shoot.

You’ll enter the scene to the music of Superman with your friends making up the extras. Our jump masters will then fit your harness and connect the catapult chord, and only when you are completely ready release the safety hook sending you at high speed over 180 feet into the sky.
When you are safely back on the ground you will be presented with your very own HD movie of the entire scene + a Hero Bungy Jump certificate of courage and bravery.
If there are any doubters about your super human abilities just show them the film and silence them for good!!!
Please note: Reverse bungy jumps have specific weight restrictions.
Minimum weight 35kg
Maximum weight 82kg