Frequently asked questions
Below is a list of frequently asked questions, we hope your questions are answered here but if not please feel free to contact us with your enquiry online.
Alternatively you can also contact us direct by phone on ………………………….
Q If I choose a wet jump will I be completely under the water?
A We can accurately calculate how much you will be submersed, it’s your choice.
Q How do I get directions to you?
A Google maps is the best way to locate us. Please click on the following link for full directions.
Q Is the lake clean, and is it deep enough?
A Yes, the water is monitored for cleanliness and it is more than deep enough.
Q Are all jumps over water?
A Yes, but a catapult launch starts on dry land.
Q What is the cost of a Bungy Jump?
A All prices can be found on our booking page.
Q How do I book?
A Book with your preferred travel agent or book direct with us online
Q What are your operating hours?
A We are open every day from 9.30 am until 6pm.
Q Can two people jump together?
A Absolutely, follow this link for tandem options.
Q Is it safe for my children to jump?
A Yes, but they must meet the minimum weight limit of 35kg.
Q Is there an alternative if I can’t do it?
A Yes, you may feel more comfortable doing a reverse bungy, this starts from ground level.
Q How high is the platform?
A 50 meters or 165 feet.
Q Are you registered and insured?
A Yes of course, we have full insurance and follow the international code of bungy jumping conduct.
Q If I do not follow through with the jump can I get a refund?
A Sorry there are no refunds for mere mortals who let fear get the better of their super hero desires!